
Jesus said, “Let the children come to me, and do not hinder them, for the kingdom of heaven belongs to such as these.”  (Matt. 19:14) The most important thing parents can do for their children is to make sure they know Jesus and are growing in Jesus. We’re here to help you with that! Christ the Lord provides opportunities for kids of every age to grow closer to their Savior.


On Sundays, children from Pre-K to 6th grade get together to learn a bible story, sing songs, and have fun. Drop your child off, then head on over to the adult bible study so you can grow closer to your Savior, too! We offer Sunday School at 9:45am and 11:00am.


Confirmation is a public profession of faith that follows a period of in depth biblical instruction. After confirmation, children are able to take the Lord’s Supper. Youth in grades 6-8 are invited to our confirmation classes. Check the calendar for current class times.


Our sister church in Sienna Plantation operates a PreK-9th grade school called Divine Savior Academy. The staff at DSA is dedicated to providing excellence in Christian education so that your children can grow in knowledge and in faith in a safe, caring environment. To learn more about DSA, click here.


Camp Shiloh is a Lutheran retreat center located in northeast Texas on the shores of beautiful Lake Bob Sandlin. Every summer, Camp Shiloh offers a wide variety of week-long camps – opportunities for children in grade school and high school to make new Christian friends, grow in faith, and have fun. To learn more about Camp Shiloh, click here.